Sometimes the weather does play along with one's
This recipe is a variation on the
traditional South African mutton or lamb green bean stew (groenboontjiebredie for
the Afrikaans readers). This one has some canned beans as well, since
fresh beans of other types are not really freely available in this
neck of the woods. The stew also contains some tomatoes. I like to
put a small amount of tomato in the stew, not only to thicken the
sauce, but also to provide some small hint of tanginess. This is enhanced by the
addition of a fresh hot chili or two. And there is the odd potato or
three, very traditional South African style.
This dish is not really suitable for
making on board a small vessel at sea. However, one may substitute
the meat with home made meat balls, which will reduce the cooking
time substantially. The larger yachts and catamarans may have
suitable facilities and may be more stable at sea to allow for the
long cooking time and store of ingredients. Some of the fresh
ingredients may be substituted with the canned variety, making such a
variation also more attainable on a small boat at sea.
This dish goes well with a medium
bodied red wine.
600 grams stewing lamb or mutton. I used some rib meat and a leg of lamb chop. This gives a nice balance between the fat from the bony parts and lean meat from the leg chop.3 medium sized potatoes, chopped into medium size chunks.
handful of fresh green beans, chopped into three pieces.
1 can red kidney beans in water
1 can butter beans in water
2 medium sized onions

2 cloves garlic, chopped.
2 medium sized tomatoes, chopped coarsely. Thumb size is OK, the dish may be chunky because the beans are.

1 cup mushrooms. Any kind or mixed.

Some cooking oil

Now switch off the heat and leave the dish to rest for another fifteen minutes. This will allow the flavour to develop.
Serve with a flat bread like roti or puri, or with brown and wild rice. The coarse rice makes a good accompaniment to the dish. I had this with the whole wheat puri described in my previous blog post.
Bon appetit!
This post also linked to Yeastspotting!
Authored by Johan Zietsman
Last updated on 2012-12-12
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