Sometimes you realise that there is a God and that He looks after
you and cares for you. We left Cape Town around 06h30 yesterday
morning in misty and rainy weather, expecting nothing better for the
next five days. We were, in fact, expecting heavy seas to boot. And
what we encountered was beyond our wildest dreams.
The sea was flat calm, no wind to speak of and the visibility was
good to very good from about a mile out of the breakwater. We carried
on to motor for the rest of the day, dodging the odd big ship, until
23h00 last night. Then the wind came up. We were just past Saldanha
Bay on the West Coast at the time. The wind was on the starboard
quarter and blowing at a steady 15 knots, about 35 km/h for the land
lubbers. It has since picked up to around 20 to 22 knots and we have
been able to sail at a steady 6.5 knots since 11h30 this morning.
Talk of a blessing.
Last night we started our experiment with growing sprouts. We
chose alfalfa because it apparently grows the easiest. One teaspoon,
levelled, of seeds was washed and then soaked overnight in lukewarm
water. This morning I washed them and they are now quietly
germinating. Hopefully.
Tonight is my turn at galley duty. I am making a chili con carne,
served with chapattis. We don't have the right flour to make
tortillas, but making chapattis is easy.
These little Indian breads are made without leavening. The
ingredients are bread flour, water and salt. And the little vegetable
oil or ghee that goes from your hands to the dough during the
kneading. For this lot I used white bread flour, but you can use any
wholegrain flour.
The salt and one cup of flour is mixed thoroughly, then water is
added a little at a time to the maximum of one cup. Smear one hand
with oil or ghee, then use that hand to mix the water and flour to
make the dough. The dough will become a soft ball after some mixing.
If it doesn't, add more flour until it does. The dough should pick up
all the flour from the mixing bowl. Once it gets to that state, take
it out and knead it on a hard surface. The kneading is done in a
very specific way. You flatten the dough ball, then fold the edges
inwards, following around the ball. This will capture air bubbles in
the dough that will allow it to rise during the baking process. The
dough will become increasingly stiff. Carry on kneading for another
five minutes, then set the dough aside, cover to prevent drying and
leave to rest for at least twenty minutes. I was on duty this
morning, so my chapatti dough have rested six hours.
Now take the dough, knead it some more, then roll it into a long
cylinder of about 50mm thickness (2 inches). Cut the cylinder into
sections of the same as the thickness and roll each section into a
ball. Each ball is now rolled out thin, smeared with a little oil,
dusted with some dry flour on top, then folded inwards from the edges
and rolled out thin again. One outside is then smeared with ghee or
vegetable oil and baked in a dry pan until it starts to make bubbles
inside. The top is then smear with oil, the chapatti turned over and
baked on the other side. When it looks done, the pan is taken off the
stove and the chapatti put directly over the open gas flame. This
will cause it to puff up and only takes a few seconds. All of the
above takes about five minutes, from the rolling out of the dough
ball until it is cooked.
Chili con Carne
This recipe is similar to what I have made before. The ingredients
are as follows:
1 tin baked beans (450g / 1 lb)
1 can (450 g/1 lb) red kidney beans
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 medium size onion, chopped
½ sweet chili pepper, chopped
half of one hot chili, chopped
1 teaspoon of chopped garlic, else one clove of fresh garlic,
chopped. This dish needs chili and garlic.
½ teaspoon of coriander seeds
400 gr beef mince (1lb)
Dash of soya sauce
Some vegetable oil.
The method is easy. Fry the coriander seeds in the oil until the
flavour comes out. Then add the chopped onion, sweet chili, garlic
and hot chili, Fry these until the onion goes glassy. Then add the
mince, Fry until it goes brown, then add a dash of soya sauce. Add
the tomatoes, then simmer for ten minutes or so. After that, add the
beans and cook until everything is properly hot. Mix thoroughly. Turn
off the heat and let it stand for ten minutes to develop flavour. I
use the simmer and standing time to cook the chapattis.
That's it; a one pot dish that is easy and tasty. The chapattis
make a welcome change from other side dishes and it is fresh bread.
Authored by Johan Zietsman
Last updated on 2012-12-12
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